Computer security systems may one day get a boost from quantum physics, as a result of recent research from the National Institute of Standards and Technology .
Computer security systems may one day get a boost from quantum physics, as a result of recent research from the National Institute of Standards and Technology .
When I do public speaking, I often rant about how distracted we are by high profile attacks like Stuxnet even though few of us are responsible for protecting nuclear centrifuges. The vast majority of attacks are using our own computing resources to compromise our infrastructure. Our identities are being stolen, and we’re spamming and DDoS’ing […]
Researchers from Microsoft and the Dutch Katholieke Universiteit Leuven have discovered a way to break the widely used Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), the encryption algorithm used to secure most all online transactions and wireless communications. Their attack can recover an AES secret key from three to five times faster than previously thought possible, reported the […]
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