The Necurs botnet has been slowly growing since late 2012 and still tops the list of largest spam botnets in the world.
The Necurs botnet has been slowly growing since late 2012 and still tops the list of largest spam botnets in the world.
Microsoft may soon have to reflect on its stance that the use of an Office feature called DDE to execute code on compromised computers doesn’t merit a patch. The SANS Internet Storm Center last night said the Necurs botnet has been spreading Locky ransomware using the DDE attack. Handler Brad Duncan said he had access […]
Cybercriminals behind the Locky ransomware have revamped the malware’s code three times in 30-day period and blasted out massive spam campaigns. According to researchers at Trustwave, the latest variant of Locky ransomware is called Ykcol (that’s Locky spelled backwards) and was part of a Sept. 19 spam blast targeting 3 million inboxes within a three-hour […]
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