Neil Young generally keeps a tidy Twitter account, using it mostly for promoting his work.
Neil Young generally keeps a tidy Twitter account, using it mostly for promoting his work.
Pono, the high-fidelity portable music player backed by Neil Young, is one step closer to reality; PonoMusic has already beaten its $800,000 Kickstarter target after launching the campaign less than 24 hours ago. The project has over 3,000 backers at the time of writing, 2,356 of which pledged enough money to receive a PonoPlayer, and […]
We now know how Neil Young plans to make his dreams of high-quality digital music come true: crowdfunding. The artists company PonoMusic is launching a Kickstarter campaign on March 15th that will let you reserve the PonoPlayer, Youngs long-teased, audiophile-grade portable jukebox. The 128GB device will set you back a whopping $399 when it goes […]
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