Malware hunters have stumbled upon a new Linux worm squirming through an old PHP vulnerability to infect hidden, Internet-enabled devices.
Malware hunters have stumbled upon a new Linux worm squirming through an old PHP vulnerability to infect hidden, Internet-enabled devices.
We constantly see sites hacked due to vulnerabilities in various tools. In most cases, site owners don’t even realize they are there, or don’t even remember they were installed. For example, a site owner/manager has to make a quick modification in the database and installs phpMyAdmin, a few months (or even years) later their site […]
Have you ever tried to visit your site and you got redirected to a different site? Maybe some external news page that had nothing to do with your site? Then have you tried to visit it again to test and it worked properly? Over the last few days we’ve been getting this question often and […]
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