Many already thought that the Heartbleed security flaw in OpenSSL could be used to steal SSL keys from a server, but now theres proof. This is important because if someone stole the private decryption key to servers used …
Many already thought that the Heartbleed security flaw in OpenSSL could be used to steal SSL keys from a server, but now theres proof. This is important because if someone stole the private decryption key to servers used …
This morning, content distribution network Cloudflare gave some hope to those affected by the Heartbleed security flaw with an announcement that the bug might not be as bad as feared. It issued a challenge to white-hat hackers to successfully retrieve the private security keys — and unfortunately for the web, one of them succeeded. The hacker, Node.js team […]
If you’re like most people, the news of the Heartbleed bug and how broadly its security flaw spread is worrisome enough. But the list of sites where you absolutely have to change your passwords looks daunting for anyone. You probably have to change passwords on your email, your Facebook, and maybe even your online dating […]
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