Oracle has clarified that future security patches for Java 7 will still work on Windows XP, but pointed out that it can no longer provide “complete guarantees” for the software because the operating systems is no longer supported by Microsoft.
Oracle has clarified that future security patches for Java 7 will still work on Windows XP, but pointed out that it can no longer provide “complete guarantees” for the software because the operating systems is no longer supported by Microsoft.
The first Tuesday of each month is Microsofts Patch Tuesday, when the company releases security patches and upgrades for its software and operating systems. But today (Apr. 8) is a Patch Tuesday among Patch Tuesdays: its the last time Microsoft will release updates for the aged, but still widely used, Windows XP operating system, as […]
If you continue to use Windows XP after it goes end-of-life next April you won’t just be without security patches. You’ll be without signature updates for your Microsoft Security Essentials antivirus.
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