The hackers stole gigabytes of sensitive data, though it’s not clear whether the attacks were aimed at financial gain or cyber espionage.
The hackers stole gigabytes of sensitive data, though it’s not clear whether the attacks were aimed at financial gain or cyber espionage.
A computer intrusion perpetrated on the systems of JP Morgan Chase financial organization lost the company gigabytes of sensitive data. According to sources close to the investigation, the incident seems to have a foreign government behind it, since the complexity of breaching the systems is far from being common to financial cybercriminals. However, it appears […]
The European Central Bank said on Thursday its website had been hacked and some email addresses and other contact information stolen but insisted no market-sensitive data were affected. The theft came to light after the central bank received an anonymous email on Monday night demanding money in exchange for the addresses. The hackers broke into […]
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