Researchers under Tim Berners-Lee at MIT develop a new HTTP, dubbed HTTPA, a web protocol with accountability.
Researchers under Tim Berners-Lee at MIT develop a new HTTP, dubbed HTTPA, a web protocol with accountability.
Edward Snowden made a surprise appearance—via a remote-controlled video chat robot—at the TED conference yesterday, and, as at his SXSW appearance , he got a warm welcome. The inventor of the Internet himself, Tim Berners-Lee, appeared onstage and called Snowden a hero, Wired reports, and a vocal segment of…
Tim Berners-Lee, inventor of the World Wide Web, is both worried and optimistic about the future of his creation. In celebration of the WWW’s 25th anniversary on March 12, Berners-Lee took some time to answer questions in a Reddit AMA and announced his plans for an online Magna Carta to protect online privacy. He also […]
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