Though hes personally disappointed in the way the World Wide Web has emerged and become integral to our relationship with knowledge, Nelsons influence on the many people who have shaped our digital world is immense.
Though hes personally disappointed in the way the World Wide Web has emerged and become integral to our relationship with knowledge, Nelsons influence on the many people who have shaped our digital world is immense.
The World Wide Web. It sounds like such a silly thing when you actually spell out those consecutive Ws. Nowadays, we just say the internet, but once upon a time the web was a new and exciting thing. It was a massive communications breakthrough that captivated minds both young and old with the promise of […]
Tim Berners-Lee, inventor of the World Wide Web, is both worried and optimistic about the future of his creation. In celebration of the WWW’s 25th anniversary on March 12, Berners-Lee took some time to answer questions in a Reddit AMA and announced his plans for an online Magna Carta to protect online privacy. He also […]
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