LAS VEGAS (AP) — Toyota said Monday that a hydrogen-powered vehicle that emits only water vapor as exhaust will go on sale in the U.S. in 2015, a year earlier than it promised just two months ago.
LAS VEGAS (AP) — Toyota said Monday that a hydrogen-powered vehicle that emits only water vapor as exhaust will go on sale in the U.S. in 2015, a year earlier than it promised just two months ago.
For automakers, CES is often dominated by self-driving and the ever-growing notion of the connected car, but Toyotas taking a more environmental tack with todays announcement: its reiterating the call that it will have a hydrogen fuel cell car for sale to consumers next year that produces nothing more than water vapor from the tailpipe. […]
The Toyota i-Road looks less like a car and more like a transport pod beamed in from the future. Naturally, when the company asked us to drive one in Las Vegas, we were happy to oblige.
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