AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — Speaking over Skype from the Ecuadorian embassy in London, fugitive WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange said his living situation is a bit like prison — with a more lenient visitor policy.
AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — Speaking over Skype from the Ecuadorian embassy in London, fugitive WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange said his living situation is a bit like prison — with a more lenient visitor policy.
Earlier this week, WikiLeaks added an internal search engine to its website to allow users to find documents based on certain keywords. Almost immediately, security researchers noticed that the input wasnt properly sanitized. Security expert Mazin Ahmed has published a video on YouTube to demonstrate the existence of the cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability. He reported […]
New documents leaked by former NSA employee turned whistleblower Edward Snowden reveal that the NSA and GCHQ consistently spied on WikiLeaks in the past years, recording information regarding the people who accessed the site in the process, regardless of their citizenship. The Intercept has seen documents that reveal the extent of WikiLLeaks-related spying that targeted […]
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