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3D Printed Pizza: Print Your Dinner with Foodini


Food-based 3D printers have been around for a few years now. Who could forget, for example, the first commercial chocolate 3D printer, which arrived back in 2011? The folks at Barcelona-based 3D printing startup Natural Machines werent satisfied with merely chocolate. They wanted to 3D print a more balanced meal — say, a pizza. Natural Machines printer, the Foodini, uses the same techniques to arrange food that a 3D printer uses to make its creations. The food substance comes out of an extruder, or nozzle, that is attached to a motor. The nozzle extrudes food in a preprogrammed pattern, ensuring that pizzas, burgers, ravioli and other foods are even and perfectly formed. MORE: 3D Printer Buyers Guide 2013 The Foodini also serves as a high-tech decorating machine. The video shows how the device can be used to decorate cakes and other non-printed foods by extruding icing in a predesigned pattern. Were looking to go way beyond just chocolate … were looking for everyday foods that you would eat, Natural Machines co-founder Lynete Kucsma told BBC News in a video interview. The video shows how the Foodini can be used to make homemade ravioli without the time-consuming process of hand-wrapping the filling. Fill the printers nozzle with pre-prepared pasta dough, send the printer the design you wish to use, and start it up. However, because the printer can only print in one material at a time, youll have to switch out the dough for cheese or another filling of your choice in order to continue the print. And dont expect the Foodini to pop out fully cooked food. Although the printers tray is heated to keep food fresh and pliable, its not an oven, so maker/bakers will have to move their creations to an oven before the printings are ready to eat. Natural Machines says the Foodini is currently in prototype; the device has a lot of exposed wires and looks more like what youd find on an engineers desk than on your average kitchen counter. The finished product, which looks a bit like a miniature oven, is expected to go on sale this spring for 1,000 euro, or almost $1,400. Email or follow her @JillScharr and Google+. Follow us @TomsGuide, on Facebook and on Google+. What Doesnt Make Sense to 3D Print? Forget Plastic: Molten Metal 3D Printers Are Coming Future Home 3D Printing Includes Colors, Metals and Lasers Copyright 2013 Toms Guides , a TechMediaNetwork company. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

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