Apple may have been awarded $119.6 million in damages from Samsung for the latest patent spat between the two tech giants, but the Cupertino-based company is looking to get that final number modified to a value closer to the $2.191 billion it originally requested. In a wholly expected move for a patent dispute such as this, Apple filed documents in court yesterday to seek a permanent injunction against a number of older Samsung phones that a jury last month determined to infringe a couple of Apples software patents. The devices include the Admire, Galaxy Nexus, Galaxy Note, Galaxy Note 2, Galaxy S II, Galaxy S II Epic 4G Touch, Galaxy S II Skyrocket, Galaxy S III, and Stratosphere, according to the court filing. Newer devices were not included in the latest lawsuit between the two companies, but Apple is also seeking to get a sales ban against software or code capable of implementing any Infringing Feature, and/or any feature not more than colorably different therefrom. That could include newer phones and tablets.