On the day Samsung is releasing the Galaxy S5, its biggest product launch of the year, Bloomberg Businessweek has published an extensive report highlighting health issues at the companys semiconductor plants in Korea. It tells the story of Hwang Yu-mi, a worker who died from Leukemia after working in one of Samsungs factories, and the impact her death had on her family. Hwangs struggle has been the subject of in-depth coverage in Korea, and has also been cited by western media, but Businessweeks article only goes to highlight further the increasing scrutiny Samsung is facing as it strengthens its stranglehold on the global electronics market. As Businessweek points out, Korea recently saw the release of a thinly veiled movie about Hwang and Samsung, in which for legal reasons the young woman works at a company named Jinsung. The movie saw Samsung in the headlines for the wrong reasons again, as the company was accused of pressuring news publications to not cover the film.