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‘Digital Shadow’ Exposes Exactly How Much Facebook Knows About You


In the upcoming video game, Watch Dogs, you play a criminal hacker who exploits a city-wide surveillance network to inflict your own brand of justice. And to show that maybe this futuristic tech nightmare is closer than you might realize, Ubisoft (the games maker) created a promotion called Digital Shadow, thats actually one of the best ways to determine exactly what you are sharing online right now. While it may have started as a clever tie-in promo, it has turned into a red alert for many Facebook users, who realized the worth of their data and exactly how exposed they were. The website scrapes your Facebook profile (after you grant access), creating its own profile of you that focuses on vulnerabilities. The access granted is similar to the access offered to cameras, location services, apps and other websites that users commonly associate with Facebook. Digital Shadow spells out exactly what they have access to: Watch Dogs Digital Shadow will receive the following info: your public profile, friend list, News Feed, relationships, birthday, work history, status updates, education history, groups, hometown, interests, current city, photos, religious and political views, follows and followers, personal description and likes and your friends status updates and photos. So, pretty much anything and everything youve ever put on the Internet. 

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