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Interactive map shows how income inequality has deepened across the globe


The World Top Incomes Database has been cataloguing statistics on wealth across the globe since 2011, and its creators have used that data to inform several books, including economist Thomas Pikettys study of income inequality, Capital in the 21st Century, which was published in English just a couple months ago. Piketty and the creators have left the databases information open to the public too, and now two members of Carnegie Mellon Universitys Robotics Institute have turned that data into an interactive map that allows you to explore wealth inequality across in globe, in part as a way to complement Pikettys book. Inequality dipped in the mid 1900sThough the interactive is a simple enhancement of Google Maps, it lets viewers get a good impression of how income inequality has changed in certain areas across the globe. A significant number of those countries, including the US, follow a similar trend of having high inequality on either end of the 1900s, but significantly narrower wealth inequality between the mid-1940s and the mid-1980s.

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