T-Mobile CEO John Legere loves using social media to troll his adversaries and his favorite target happens to be ATT CEO Randall Stephenson, whom he regularly addresses as “#randall” on Twitter. And now Bloomberg reports that Legere has yet another reason to taunt Stephenson: He’s apparently making more money than his counterpart at ATT. According to Bloomberg, Legere received $29.2 million in compensation in 2013, which is significantly more than Stephenson’s $23.2 million in compensation and Verizon CEO Lowell McAdams’s $15.8 million in compensation. All three execs’ compensations, however, were positively dwarfed by Sprint CEO Dan Hesse’s compensation package that totaled a whopping $49.1 million last year. Ironically, the earnings of each CEO appear to be almost inversely proportional to their overall