In addition to releasing a preview video for her new single “Jenny From the Block Part 2: Electric Boogaloo,” Jennifer Lopez is dealing with a lawsuit this week from the only person in the United States who is unfamiliar with the concept of catfishing. Rodrigo Ruiz filed a $10,000 suit against Ms. Lopez in L.A. “claiming she sent him a letter out of the blue in 2008, demanding he reply with naked photos,” TMZ reports. Don’t you just hate when that happens! Like give it a rest, Ryan Gosling, my front‐facing camera is broken. The letters were coming from a P.O. Box in L.A., owned and operated by a 53‐year‐old woman (is it Yolanda?!?!) who told TMZ over the phone that she’s merely “operating a Jennifer Lopez fan mail exchange.” She then hung up on their reporter.