At first glance, the companys much-hyped strategy announcement today was mostly devoid of revelations — yes, Nintendo will develop smartphone apps that may or may not include small games; But CEO and president Satoru Iwata threw a curveball toward the end of his presentation when he announced plans to take on the challenge of expanding into a new business area. What followed was an explanation as equally inscrutable in English as it was in Japanese, but it might just be the first hints of Nintendo’s next big thing. Iwata said that Nintendos success with the DS and Wii extended the definition and demographics of video games, adding, I think now is the time we need to extend the definition of entertainment. The new area will be a platform business that improves people’s quality of life in enjoyable ways. And Nintendo is betting that its status as a video games giant makes it the best guide in a new era of technologically-enabled self-improvement. The company says this quality of life (QOL) business could extend to areas such as lifestyle and education, but it’s starting with personal health.