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NSA spied on porn habits of Muslim ‘radicalizers’ in effort to discredit them


The US National Security Agency reportedly spied on the online sexual activity of Muslim radicalizers as part of a plot to undermine their reputation and authority. The Huffington Post says that the internet proclivities of six individuals were monitored in order to find personal vulnerabilities such as the viewing of pornographic material that could be exploited to shape the perception of the messenger as well as that of his followers. The information comes from NSA documents provided by whisteblower Edward Snowden. The documents were sent to officials in the NSA, Drug Enforcement Agency, and Departments of Justice and Commerce. another charges exorbitant fees and is attracted to fame. The documents state that none of the six individuals targeted currently live in the United States, but identifies one as a US person. A US person, The Huffington Post notes, is either a US citizen or a permanent resident, and is entitled to greater legal protections against NSA surveillance than foreigners are.

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