Its broad focus is what led users on subsection News Genius to begin annotating Isla Vista shooter Elliot Rodgers 140-page manifesto and autobiography — an extremely delicate task, given that Rodger killed six and injured over a dozen more over Memorial Day weekend. Now, Rap Genius co-founder Mahbod Moghadam has resigned after posting remarks that company CEO Tom Lehman says displayed gleeful insensitivity and misogyny. While many annotations added detail about names and places, and others psychoanalyzed Rodger himself, some of Moghadams now-deleted comments proved deeply tone-deaf. Archived on Gawker, they include two annotations praising Rodgers work as beautifully written and artful; in another comment, he speculates that the killers sister is smokin hot. After sites called attention to his posts, Moghadam issued an apology.