Valve, the company behind Portal, Half-Life, and digital video game download service Steam, has delayed the launch of its first pieces of hardware, pushing the release window of its Steam Machines and Steam controller from 2014 to 2015. In a post on Steam, Valves Eric Hope suggested the release dates were pushed back to allow the company to work on the controller, after live playtests with wireless prototypes generated a ton of useful feedback. While Hope said that feedback means Valve will be able to make its Steam controller a lot better, its also keeping the team behind the project pretty busy making all those improvements. Valve didnt say whether third-party Steam Machines would launch this year Nor did he specify whether the 14 other companies also aiming to release a Steam Machine will be delaying their own launches. Alienware, one of Valves hardware partners, announced earlier in the year that it planned to launch its own Steam machine this September.