While Blizzard is far from releasing its any of its Warcraft games on mobile devices, the company has come up with a card game based on the characters of Warcraft, that’s currently available on iPad in selected markets, Mac and PC. Additionally, Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft versions for iPhone, Windows tablet and Android will be available in the near future, according to the company. “Blizzard Entertainment is pleased to inform swagnificent, Zippi79, MrHeed, JohnTheTree, Successlol, SpiritGuard, AnimaLeet, Waffles, Thinkzalot, SwaggishMike, and everyone else who was asking online, that Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft, its free-to-play digital card game, is now available on iPad in Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, with the iPad App Store release for the rest of the world