Stephen Colbert delivered his somewhat controversial keynote speech at the annual RSA security conference Friday, and took the opportunity to lambast the NSA, Edward Snowden, and Mt. Gox, and launch his own Cloud Fog security service. We can trust the NSA, explains Colbert, because without a doubt it is historys most powerful, pervasive, sophisticated surveillance agency ever to be totally pwned by a 29-year-old with a thumb drive. The full keynote isnt yet available at RSAs website, but YouTube is full of excerpts uploaded by attendees. Playing his typical faux-right character, Colbert moves his attentions to Edward Snowden, saying the whistleblower should face espionage charges for taking security secrets to Russia; The guys practically a war criminal, he jokes, I dont understand how they could put him up for the same prize they once gave to Henry Kissinger.