In a sprawling, bizarre, and downright bewildering internal Yahoo memo thats been leaked to All Things D, two of the companys executives explain to employees why its finally time for them to abandon Outlook in favor of Yahoo Mail: Certainly, we can admire the application for its survival, an anachronism of the now-defunct 90s PC era, a pre-web program written at a time when NT Server terrorized the data center landscape with the confidence of a T. rex born to yuppie dinosaur parents who fully bought into the illusion of their son’s utter uniqueness because the big-mouthed, tiny-armed monster infant could mimic the gestures of The Itsy-Bitsy Pterodactyl. While the two executives who wrote the memo — Jeff Bonforte, senior vice president of communications products, and Randy Roumillat, chief information officer — imply that employees will have to switch over soon, they dont strictly state that its mandated, despite their lengthy letter.