Scam Signature Message:
Change Ur Template to R3D Here->
Scam Type: Survey Scam
Trending: February 2012
Why it’s a Scam:
Clicking the wall post link takes you to the following landing page:
If you click the ‘Get Started’ button, the following popup appears:
Anytime you see directions asking you to copy and paste code into your browser, you should immediately know that you are headed for trouble. CTL L selects your current URL (this one happens to contain code used to spam this scam message to your friends, CTL C copies the URL, and CTL W closes the popup. Afterwards, you are presented with the screen shown below:
Pressing CTL V pastes the recently copied code into your browser and loads the following survey scam:
How to Deal with the Scam:
If you did make the mistake of copying and pasting the code, then you could be spamming the message to your friends. Clean up your newsfeed and profile to remove references to the scam. (click the “x” in the top right hand corner of the post).
Be sure to check out our post on How to Protect Your Facebook Account From Tag-jacking Scams.
If you or your Facebook friends are falling for tricks like this, it’s time to get yourself informed of the latest threats. Be sure to join the Facecrooks page on Facebook to be kept informed of the latest security issues.
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