Scam Signature Message: In order to PREVENT SPAM, I ask that you VERIFY YOUR ACCOUNT. Click VERIFY MY ACCOUNT right next to comment below to start the process…
Scam Type: Malware
Trending: May 2011
Why it’s a Scam:
The “==VERIFY MY ACCOUNT==” link is not a link to a webpage, but a direct link to javascript instead. If you or your friends click on this link then your system will be attacked by a virus.
It also appears that this scam is being spread via wall postings from an iPhone mobile device. Another possbility is the scammers have engineered the attack to seemingly come from an iPhone.
Always be careful what you click! You never know when a harmless looking link can get you into trouble. Although, this one should raise suspicions from the get go. You will never see a legitimate “VERIFY YOUR ACCOUNT” link on a Wall posting.
How to Deal with the Scam:
If your anti-virus software failed to block the intrusion, then you could be spamming your friends with the scammer’s message. You should clean-up your newsfeed and profile to remove references to the scam. (click the “x” in the top right hand corner of the post). If your installed anti-virus program caught the malware attempt, then your system should not be affected. If you don’t have anti-virus software installed, then you need to that immediately and run a full system scan.
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