Yet another hoax has hit Facebook and is extremely viral at the moment. (viral meaning it is spreading rapidly – not that it is spreading a virus)
Another variant goes like this:
“WARNING!!!! If ever you see anyone post out an application written “May God always bless this kind person below with peace, love and happiness”, with your profile picture attached below, and send by your friend via Bold Text.
Please DON’T click “like” or “SHARE”, is a spyware, and all your info at FB will be copy and reuse for other purpose. Please copy and paste to share this info…. also try to change your fb info such security question and password.. -repost”
This warning is completely false. There is no such threat. What actually is going on is a Facebook Application called Bold Text is creating the spammy wall postings. The application appears to be nothing more than annoying, spam ridden application that, among other things, advertises for other apps. Clicking the “Go to App Link” loads the following page:
Clicking “Share” obviously posts this message to your Wall, and this is how the app is spreading. Looking at the background, you can see other annoying apps being promoted. You can block this app by clicking here and then click the Block App link in the left column.
Always take a moment to verify rumors and speculation – Don’t blindly copy and paste warnings just because a Facebook friend asks you to do so. People usually mean well, but it helps no one to willingly take part in viral Facebook hoaxes. If you see this on friend’s Wall, then let them know it isn’t true.
If you or your Facebook friends are falling for tricks like this, it’s time to get yourself informed of the latest threats. Be sure to join the Facecrooks community of over 75,000 fans on Facebook to be kept informed of the latest security issues.
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