Scam Signature Message:
WIN 800 FV CASH and 50,000,00 COINS FREE!
Scam Type: Fake Event, Survey Scam
Trending: August 2011
Why it’s a Scam:
Clicking the wall post link takes you to the following bogus Facebook Event:
Here, the scammers want you to spread the spam message to your friends by following their directions. Lastly, they want you to follow a tinyurl link that leads to a rogue Facebook application shown below:
Notice the permission required of this application. The scam uses this access to spread their spam messages to your friends. Anytime you install a third party Facebook application, you give the application developer access to your personal data. Always be very selective on the apps you install, and only install them from well-known, trusted sources.
Installing the application fails to deliver the Farm Cash, but it does load the following survey scam:
How to Deal with the Scam:
If you followed their instructions, then you need to remove yourself from an attendee of the event. Also, double check to see if you are spamming the message on your news feed. If you are, then remove references to the scam. (click the “x” in the top right hand corner of the post).
If you installed the rogue application, access your account settings in the upper right corner and remove the application.
Sadly, over 12,000 people have fallen victim to this scam so far. Click here to be taken to the actual scam page so you can report it to Facebook. You will find the “report page” link at the bottom of the page.
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