Scam Signature Message: You wont beleive what she does!! omg you have to watch this
Scam Type: Like-Jacking
Trending: May 2011
Why it’s a Scam:
We have received several reports of user account being “like-jacked” after clicking on the scam link. This will cause the scammer’s message to appear on your newsfeed stating that you “like” the video. As we have seen before, a bogus YouTube video is the bait. We have not been able to track down and view this scam in action for ourselves. We are still checking into it. If you see this scam active your Wall or a friend’s Newsfeed, then please email us a link and/or screenshot to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .
How to Deal with the Scam:
If your account does become like-jacked by this or other scams, your NewsFeed will have a posting stating that you “like” [insert random Facebook Scam here] Clean this up by clicking the “x” in the top right hand corner of the post.
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This is all over my FB but there IS no “x” to do I get rid of this @#$% thing!?? I am religious to avoid these things but somehow this made it thru my defenses…
how do you get rid of this if its showing up constantly in my activity thread, and I didnt click anything…. please help
I have the “You Won’t Believe What She Does” video on my wall and it has shown up more than once in less than three hours. I am unable to click the ‘X’ in the top right corner because there is no ‘X’ to remove the post. Can you please remove this?
^ This.