If you are using our CloudProxy WAF to protect your WordPress websites, we highly recommend that you also install our new CloudProxy plugin for WordPress. It has been public for a few weeks, and now we feel it is ready for production use, hence the announcement.
You can download the plugin from WordPress Plugin Directory, or directly in your WordPress wp-admin panel by searching for CloudProxy from the “Add New Plugin” page.
The Sucuri CloudProxy WAF plugin is free from the WordPress repository, and allows direct access to your CloudProxy dashboard from within your WordPress wp-admin panel. It allows you to see your audit logs and security events, clear caching, and overall easier management of your CloudProxy account without the need to login to Sucuri.net.
Note:The CloudProxy plugin doesn’t add any additional security measures beyond what’s offered in the CloudProxy service. The plugin is not required for CloudProxy use.
*ps: if you are not using CloudProxy, you should. Go check out CloudProxy today!
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