Following a recent lawsuit, and inquiry by the European Commission about protections for in-app purchases, Googles begun offering new controls for shoppers on its Play Store to restrict how those transactions are made. A new version of the Play Store adds the option to require a password each and every time in-app purchases are made, something that provides a considerably higher amount of protection than the 30-minute window Google gives users by default. That suit seeks class action, and stems from a $65.95 purchase of in-game currency the womans child made in the game Marvel Run Jump Smash! Its also less than two weeks where Google, along with Apple, met with the European Commission to discuss reforms to so-called freemium games and apps, including how in-app payments are made. Along with the change, Android Community reports that Googles added an indicator to whether apps and games have in-app purchases right when a user gives it permission to install, on top of the mention on individual app pages.