Facebook applications are notorious for spamming and scamming users. We are in the process of compiling a “blacklist” of apps that should be avoided if you want to minimize the spam on your News Feed. We aren’t saying any of these applications are scams or are doing anything to violate Facebook’s ToS. The applications we list are ones we have discovered or applications that have been submitted by our readers known to spam Facebook user accounts.
You can visit the links below for each application and click the “Block App” link located in the bottom left hand corner. This will keep you from receiving the annoying notifications and updates from that app.
If you run across any that we don’t have listed, please send them to
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*If clicking a link takes you to the Facebook home page, then one work around is to enter the application title into the Facebook search bar. Then filter by “Apps” in the left column.*
Facebook Application Blacklist (according to Facecrooks)
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